Supporting the Harris Family through Community Partnership with CARTI and Goodness Village!
For years, Charles Harris was treated by a dermatologist in De Queen for various skin conditions, including skin cancer. Charles was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma, and when the cancer progressed to his pituitary gland he was referred to CARTI in Little Rock for further treatment. Initially, Charles…
St. James VBS Makes Waves
We had such a great time with St. James United Methodist Church at vacation bible school this week! Each day the students learned a little more about our mission and helped us bless our guests with goodness. "It was an incredible week of sharing our passion for providing…
Kingdom Quilters Find Purpose in Their Gifts
Most of us can relate to searching for your purpose in life. What are you being called to do and once you find it will you embrace it? Elaine Green found her purpose in the most unexpected of things, squares of fabric. Elaine had recently taken up quilting…
Goodness In Motion
When Goodness Village became a 501(c) nonprofit organization, it became so much more of a community effort. Our guests are going through one of the hardest times in their lives and we are proud to have a team of staff and volunteers providing goodness through small gestures that…
Arkansas Children’s Hospital Social Worker Praises Goodness Village
While working at Arkansas Children’s Hospital, Tara DeJohn has witnessed firsthand the benefits of having Goodness Village in Little Rock. Tara began referring families to Goodness Village first as a pediatric hematology/oncology social worker, then as the assistant director for the Social Work Department. “Words cannot adequately describe…
Goodness Village Gives People “A Place to Heal”
Gary Arnold serves on the Advisory Board at Goodness Village and shares three reasons why he supports our mission. Gary also has a close friend with Multiple Myeloma and understands firsthand how important it is for people to have a place where they can heal. He is honored…
Local, Temporary Housing Vital for Families at Arkansas Children’s Hospital
Mary Mannion is a pediatric, medical social worker at Arkansas Children's Hospital (ACH) in Little Rock. Mary’s testimony speaks to the role Goodness Villages plays for patients and families during a difficult time in their child’s life: “A huge part of my role is resource coordination and on-going…