
Michelle and Michael Reynolds Gift Books to Guests

Michelle and Michael Reynolds were recent guests at Goodness Village. During their time, Michelle wrote a book about her experience as a caregiver. She turned these writings into a book that was recently published! Michelle and Michael decided to give a book to all of our Goodness Village guests! Michelle’s hope is that our guests find her message inspiring and encouraging. Thank you for this thoughtful gift, Michelle and Michael!

On the inside cover Michelle writes,

Goodness Village became our home away from home in March of 2020 when my husband, Mike, was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma. While traveling out of state can be a bit overwhelming, Kim made this transition very smooth, making us feel so welcomed and safe while never feeling alone. This allowed us to focus on my husband’s health within the comforts of home. During our stay at Goodness Village, I began to write. The more I wrote, the better I felt. I realized healing occurs from within, simply from deciding to release and surrender. My writing first began to follow the journey of my husband’s recovery through my eyes as his caregiver and wife, then slowly progressed from observations to a deeper understanding of life transforming into inspirational messages spoken from the heart.

Behind these words were sadness, grief and sorrow.

Through these words grew transformation, awareness and healing.

From these words came inspiration, Empowerment and Authenticity.

Writing helped me to feel every emotion that I was experiencing during my husband’s cancer treatments.

Writing helped me to acknowledge the strength within me so I could provide that strength to him.

Writing helped me to recognize beauty even through the most painful and difficult times, appreciating life as it is.

This book is written with the sole purpose, no matter what message you read; it is my aspiration that these words will be just what you needed at the right exact time creating a powerful transformation from within.

Thank you, Goodness Village, for being there in our time of need. It was more than just a place we stayed; it was a place we truly called our home.