Planned Giving
A great way to support Goodness Village is considering making gifts outside your current monthly cash flow – think about giving of stock, through IRA distributions, or estate beneficiary designations. These gifts can take more planning so we have resources to help. Read below to learn more.
QUESTIONS? Email or call 501-530-0095
Gifts of Securities
Making an impact on the lives of the families Goodness Village serves by donating stock, securities, and mutual fund shares. This type of gift is simple and offers you valuable financial benefits as well as supports our guests.
Learn More About Gifts of Securities
- You can donate appreciated stocks, bonds or mutual funds
- The total value of the stock upon transfer is tax-deductible
- There is no obligation to pay any capital gains taxes on the appreciation
To transfer stock to Goodness Village, please use the following routing instructions:
Delivery to DTC Clearing 0075
LPL Financial
Goodness Village account #: 30897431
GV Simmons account #: 135209783
Simmons routing #: 082900432
RE: Goodness Village -Donation Account
In order to accurately value your gift to Goodness Village, please call 501-530-0095 the day the stock is transferred to the above referenced account. For assigning the value of the contribution, Goodness Village will use the average of the high and low price for the stock on the day it reaches our account. In addition, our policy is to sell the stock as soon as it appears in our account and invest it immediately according to our investment policy statement.
IRA Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDS)
Individuals who are aged 70½ or older are able to make gifts from their taxable IRAs directly to Goodness Village instead of personally taking their required minimum distribution (RMD) which can increase annual taxable income. Anyone over the age of 73 is required to take a minimum distribution – whether the funds are wanted or needed. QCDs enable individuals to meet their RMD by a direct transfer of up to $100,000 from their IRAs to Goodness Village. For a QCD to count towards the minimum annual distribution it must be made by December 31st of that taxable year.
BEQuests & Beneficiary Designations
For many donors, the most significant gift they ever choose to make is through their will or living trust. You can include Goodness Village in your estate plans through a specified dollar amount or percentage of your estate. Reach out to Goodness Village to learn more!
Beneficiary Designations
You may choose to support Goodness Village through the flexibility of a gift made via a beneficiary designation. The following assets all have the ability to be designated, and you may choose the exact percentage you wish Goodness Village to receive:
- IRAs and retirement plans
- Life insurance policies
- Donor Advised Funds
A beneficiary designation can be completed in a matter of minutes. It is as simple as requesting a change-of-beneficiary form from your policy administrator or downloading the form from your provider’s website. You then make your desired changes and return the form to establish your gift.